Guess what??

It’s finally here! We will launch the new and improved Kairos Coaching, LLC website on Friday. We are combining my blog and my website to streamline the process and make things smoother.

I know I have been teasing you for weeks with Facebook posts regarding the launch for the new and improved And you will be rewarded for all of your patience with wonderful prizes. Here is a schedule for Monday through Wednesday and Friday with the prizes that correspond to each blog post:

On Monday, I will blog about coaching, what it is and what it is not. I will also show you how it all began and how I “stumbled” into coaching. The prize will be a $25 Starbucks gift card!!!

On Tuesday, I will blog about how my writing career began and how it relates to coaching. The prize package will be : 3 children’s books: “Completely Different, but Totally Normal” by Lizzie Branch and illustrated by Amy Toler and two books from author and life coach Cheryl Scanlan, “Parable of the Silly Sheep” and “Parable of the Little Maple Seed”. 

On Wednesday, I will blog about my story, the story behind the story. There always is one! I will explain why sea glass is so near and dear to my heart. The prize package will be:  1 silver bracelet adorned with green sea glass and hand made bows made by Millie Atkisson. 

On Friday, we will reveal the blog and offer the  GRAND PRIZE!! 2 session coaching packaged valued at $200, 1 silver bracelet adorned with green sea glass, “Completely Different, but Totally Normal” by Lizzie Branch and illustrated by Amy Toler, and “One Thousand Gifts” by Ann Voskamp

The drawings for all prizes will be held on Friday morning and I will announce all winners on my new blog and website: There will be 4 winners in all. To enter, click on the link below and follow the directions.

CLICK HERE TO ENTER:  a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you have any questions regarding how to enter, please let me know! You can click on the link NOW and get a head start on the week! If you are feeling generous, please share the link to this blog post on your facebook wall or twitter.

Stay tuned to my blog for the history of Kairos Coaching, LLC and how it all began. This week promises to be fun!!! So grateful you are along for the adventure.


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4 responses to “Guess what??

  1. Brandi

    So excited for the launch Friday. The picture of you by the road is beautiful! Looking forward to the journey…. 🙂

  2. sophie

    Love your picture!!!!!! sophie

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